The Bin Strap
We no longer sell this item. We will be replacing it with a similar item very soon.
If your wheelie bin is exposed to the winter elements the wind is likely to have caused the bin lid to open on occasion. Sometimes this will lead to bin contents being blown about or the bin falling over and spilling its contents.
This means more work for you and a greater threat that vermin will be attracted to your home. It can also annoy your neighbours if it is blown into their property and could possibly lead to fines from the local authorities.
The bin strap is a new Irish made product which addresses this issue and keeps the contents of your bin safe from falling out.
Now also available in a simple to install bond on model the Bin Strap has never been easier to use.
Features and Benefits of the Bin Strap 
- Easy to attach to wheelie bin and fits all sizes.
- Made from durable material designed to last.
- No more cleaning rubbish due to wheelie bin lid opening or bin falling over.
- Helps prevent flies, animals and vermin getting access to the bin.
- Keeps the inside of the bin dry and light.
- Reduces risk of litter fines from local council.
Watch Bin Strap Video (Drill On Install)
Installing the Bond On Bin Strap
The Stick on Bin Strap is pre-assembled. Remove adhesive backing on bin strap.
Ensure surface on lid where you are about to install is clean and dry then hook the bin strap under the top shelf of the wheelie bin
Pull the Bin Strap (not too tight) and press the adhesive down on to the wheelie bin lid firmly for about 20 seconds to ensure a good bond.
To help facilitate bin collection and to ensure your bin strap is not damaged unhook and rotate Bin Strap out of the way. Release by pulling the handle down towards the ground but do not over-stretch.
How to Install the Drill On Bin Strap
1. Remove Bridge piece from Strap and retrieve Starlock washers (x2). Hook Strap Claw onto bin top lip. Stretch Strap firmly over closed lid. Hold firmly and drill two 6mm holes through holes in strap.
2. Re-insert Bridge piece into strap.
3. Install legs of Bridge piece through drilled holes in Bin Lid.
4. Press Bridge piece firmly against lid and install Starlock washer onto each leg. Press on as far as possible to secure.
5. Release BinStrap by pulling handle down towards the ground.
There is also now a bolt on version of the Bin Strap for Commercial Wheelie Bins. This is suitable for Wheelie Bins with a capacity greater than 360 litres.
Use checkbox menu below to select the Bin Strap you require.