Win Cool Gifts

Win Cool Gifts Win-Cool-Stuff

As the stretch in the evenings is finally upon us we have decided to stretch ourselves and offer you all another chance to win some great prizes.

If you fancy getting some cool stuff then you need to help us out. We are trying to come up with a new tag line for our online store. So what is to you?

Please submit your entries by using the comment field at the bottom of the page is ______________ (please use 15 words or less)

We will reward our favourite three answers with the below prizes.

And Here is what you can win…

First Prize

5 In 1 Solar Radio – A Radio which can be powered by natural daylight, by winding up or through your laptop  with the included USB adapter cable. Also can act as an emmergency mobile phone charger.


Second Prize

Sun Jar – Really pretty solar light which comes in Yellow, Blue or Pink. Looks great sitting on a window ledge, in the garden or on a balcony. Made from a traditonal mason jar with integrated solar panel and LED bulb.

Solar-or-USB-Charged-Sound-Activation-ClockThird Prize

Sound Activated Solar Alarm Clock – Great little gadget for helping you out of the bed in the morning. Powered by daylight or through the included usb adapter cable. Automatically goes into power save mode but if you wake suddenly and want to know the time simply click your fingers.

As we have reached over 100 entries we have added two bonus prizes.

Fourth and Five Prize

Drumstick Pencils allow you to write all day and play a few tunes when you are hit with writers block.

Competiton runs until midnight on May 14th. We will announce the winners and notify the winners on May 15th 2013.

Please share it on facebook, tweet about it or if you are really enthused about the competition shout it for your rooftop using a loudspeaker!

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    1. Ideally (Without the 15 word limit) it would be: is very helpfully, offering to me, the opportunity, to tap green energy, best of all it’s free!

  6. is like Spiritual energy that flows in and produces effects in the phenomenal world

  7. is a very easy to use website which supplies really cool gadgets as well as day to day products.

  8. providing a range of quality goods towards a safe clean environment for all to world to see

  9. Great range of energy saving products that don’t cost the earth – in terms of conservation or damage to your finances

  10. cares for their customers by offering styish gadgets & gifts at affordable prices! Go Solar!!

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