Fuel Tank Water Absorber


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Cim Tek Tank Dryer 

As water contamination in fuel continuing to be a matter of increased concern for consumers the cim tek tank dryer was developed to counter this issue.

Fuel thefts will sometimes replace oil they have made off with water in an effort to cover their tracks not realising the damage they are doing.

Water in fuel can result in major damage to machinery and vehicles and this fuel tank water absorber can offer you peace of mind if you have fuel concerns by checking and removing any unwanted water and reducing the damaging impact the contamination might have had on the vehicle or machinery concerned.

The Cim Tek Tank Dryer is also referred to as a tank sock and it contains highly absorbent silica gel which when lowered into the tank absorbs up to 350ml of water at the bottom of fuel tank.

It has a 2 meter chord on it which allows you to drop it into the bottom of the device easily and easily retrieve.

The tank dryer can be used to take water out of petrol, diesel, biofuel and fuel oil (not for use on ethanol blends) and will fit into any fuel point with a 2 Inch or greater diameter.

How to Use The Tank Dryer 

1. For safety reasons obviously extinguish cigarettes or any other flammable material before opening fuel tank.

2. Be sure diameter of the tank opening will allow the Tank Dyer to be put into and removed from tank easily.

3. Hold the cord and lower the Tank Dryer into the tank.


4. Be sure the cord will allow the Tank Dryer to lie flat on bottom of tank. (This is where the water will be.) Shorten cord to remove excess slack.

5. Attach the retrieval cord to allow fuel cap to be replaced, but be available to remove the Tank Dryer when it is full. (Note: The best place to attach the cord is on the underside of the fuel cap.)

6. When the Tank Dryer starts to absorb water, it will expand. Until this condition occurs it may remain in the fuel tank, but should be checked in an hour. **The Tank Dryer should be checked weekly and removed when swollen.

7. Install the Tank Dryer so you don’t obstruct the fuel outlet or sending unit. Important Note: alcohol-based fuel additives designed to disperse water will reduce the effectiveness of the Tank Dryer.


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