We no long sell the Loofen but you might be interested in the Indoor Composter Kit
The Loofen can reduce your waste weight be up to 80%. It dries and reduces your food waste and helps to eliminate odours and bacteria from your kitche.
The Loofen can reduce your waste weight be up to 80%. It dries and reduces your food waste and helps to eliminate odours and bacteria from your kitchen.
The Loofen Waste Dehydrator dries and reduces all your food waste leaving you with a lighter and odourless substance that goes straight into your bin.
The Product is available in White with six different coloured rings tailored to suit your kitchen interior.
How does it Work?
Empty your food waste into the Loofen throughout the day as you would do a normal bin
Each morning empty into your bin or composter.
Advantages of the Loofen?
- As most areas in Ireland now operate a per weight bin charge system it is estimated that a Loofen can reduce your waste charges by up to 80%
- Reduces the volume of your waste by between 50% and 70%.
- No more nasty odours in your kitchen from rotting food.
- No more leakage from heavy bin bags on your floors and carpets.
- Helps to prevent flies and wasps gathering in your kitchen, brown bin or composter.
- Totally eliminates bacteria and odours from your kitchen.
- Helps protect the environment by dramatically reducing landfill in Ireland.
More Details on The Loofen
The Loofen is 355mm in height x 270mm in width.
Got a Loofen but need to have your filters replaced click here
Read Review in The Irish Sunday Times
What Purchase.ie Customers are saying about the Loofen
I am delighted with my purchase of loofen food dehydrator.Having been plagued by flies and disgusting smells from my brown bin I am happy to say that I have no problem with either anymore.
F Gorman, Dublin 3