Camping Competition

Getting those pegs down can be a real pain!

Camping Competition – Three Prizes to Be Won!

Whether you are off to the Electric Picnic Festival or are going on a nice quite family camping trip it is important to take the stress out of the occasion by being reasonably organised.

We are offering you the chance to win one of three great camping accessories in our latest competition.

All you got to do is submit you top camping tips in the comment box below. We will select what we feel are the three strongest answers and give out the prizes.

You can always refer to our camping trip tips blog for inspiration if you are struggling to come up with something but use it as a guide as opposed to a copy and paste job!

The prizes on offer are as follows.

Camping Competition First Prize

Solar Charger and Powerbank

Camping Competition Second Prize

Camping-Lantern24 LED Camping Lantern

Camping Competition Third Prize

Powerplus-PantherSolar, Wind-Up and USB Charged Radio

Closing date to entry is Thursday August 30th. Winners will be announced here on Friday August 31st


  1. Try not to arrive tired at the camp site late in the afternoon, erecting the tent might prove troublesome and take perishable food for the first night to save further stress!

  2. wellies are a must and wet gear, have the tent stuff packed last so its 1st out and try to at least have erected it a few times at home so you know what you are doing, get it up asap in daylight ,have all your clothes prepacked into plastic bags, especially underwear and socks these should be placed into ziploc bags there is nothing worse than a wet bum or wet feet, have something to identify your tent like a colourful bra so you know its yours in the dark, have a torch and spare batteries, wet wipes are a must, and try to remember to place all sleeping gear into waterproof covers if poss in the daytime

  3. if you are camping in the mountains make sure you set up camp near trees which will provide cover from heavy wind,always build a fire away from trees and tent,and always make sure the fire is out before you leave,bring plenty of beer and have a good night πŸ™‚

  4. As a family we love camping, with small children I have found it is best to let them enjoy the freedom and not to worry about changing clothes because they are a little dirty. playing card is something we always do while camping and we all enjoy it..

  5. You can use solar garden lights to illuminate the campsite, which are easily recharged in daylight. An old washing up liquid bottle can be filled with diluted hand soap, also handy for washing any plates you might have. For hot water on demand an old beer keg can be modified by adding a tap – better still if you have one with a little tap already. Fill it up, sit it close to the fire and let it boil for cups of tea and warm showers. A spare piece of carpet can be placed outside for wiping feet – it is important to keep muddy shoes outside of your tent. Duct tape is useful for a multitude of reasons, there will always be something that needs a quick fix. Also, for lighting fires easily in our obviously changeable weather you can fill an egg carton with charcoal, use homemade pine cones covered with wax or bring some small pieces of bicycle inner-tube that will burn even in the wettest conditions.

  6. First things first, pick your pitch with care. Try and find a flat area of ground with good natural shelter and, if it’s been a while, practise pitching your tent at home first, to make sure you have the right number of guy ropes and tent pegs.

  7. Don’t forget your pegs, hammer, head-torch (or other torch), a good ground mat making sure not to camp on stoney ground also helps alot and make sure you’re relatively flat, unless you like sliding sideways in your sleep..

    Having a few bright things, even plastic bags that you can use to pick up rubbish when you’re leaving can be handy to tie onto you guide lines to make others aware of them when it’s hard to see at night so they don’t trip and fall onto your tent.

    Sunscreen, and/or wet gear, if you’re drinking heavily, a giant man nappy so you don’t ruin the inside of your tent and your spare clothes if you don’t have them in waterproof bags. πŸ™‚

  8. I keep a a detailed list of what we need with the camping gear which gets modified every year to ensure we don’t forget anything. If possible, go with friends and divide the list in two to save duplication. In wet weather, swimming togs, raincoat and wellies is all that is needed in the summer. This saves on wet clothes.
    I find inside the car windows, both front and back is a great place to air the damp towels, also a mini clothes line can be hung in the car for the washed undies. A few packs of cards and travel games are a must. Above all, enjoy the experience. The best night sleep you will get is in a tent after a day of fresh air.

  9. Camping holidays are the very best holidays you can have – so much fun, out of doors and relatively cheap but there are lots of tips and tricks that can make that holiday all the more enjoyable!
    You must pack light and tight. A few essentials I always make sure to bring are: flip flops (easy to slip on and off), a comfy travel pillow that packs up easily (regular ones become too hot and sticky), insect repellent, hand soap and wet wipes, wellies, lots of spare underwear, a cooler to keep your drinks and food fresh and cool, torch, matches, extra batteries, hats (for the bad hair days!), travel size toiletries and lots and lots of snacks (including marshmallows for toasting!).
    You don’t want to be carrying loads so throw away all plastic and cardboard packaging that our food comes in and use clear bags that can be easily tied. This cuts down on trash and you can reuse the bags after.
    For the best snooze ever, bring a hot water bottle and fill it up to make your sleeping bag warm and cosy. Nights in the open air can be chilly! If you have pals with the same type of sleeping bag, you can zip them up together and cuddle up.
    Take lots of care when lighting a campfire, do it away from trees and shrub. Make sure the fire is fully put out before you head off to bed – you don’t want to be woken up in the middle of the night in panic and having to call the fire brigade!
    Finally make sure that you have a big roomy tent, lots of headroom and legroom is essential and you want to be comfortable. You want to have as much fun inside the tent as outside!

  10. the camera!! These days there are so many gadgets in the camping shop that you’ll never be short of anything but there is so much fun to be had its gr8 to have the camera to snap everything and have the keepsakes!! Ireland is such a beautiful country and is there to be explored whether your on a high or low budget, smiles are free so click click and keep them x

  11. dont camp at the bottom of a hill as if its rainin youll get washed festival bring something to identify your tent late at night as youd be surprised how difficult it is to find your silver tent in a field of hundreds of other little silver tents.if family camping a bucket is a necessary portaloo for nighttime.

  12. Make sure to get a water proof canvas for the ground and put your tent on the top of it, Saves on dampness that might be in the field. Prepare for both good and bad weather conditions.

  13. Always tell people not going with you whereabouts you are going to camp in case your battery goes dead and make sure your phone is charged before you go :)Bring a spare blanket in case it gets a lot colder than you expected and bring as much as you need but dont go overboard in case you have to walk with all your gear for a while πŸ™‚

  14. Plastic bags (all shapes and sizes, including the ziplock type) are invaluable. They can be used to organise and transport a variety of clothes, shoes and foodstuffs and to isolate wet,dirty and smelly items for the return journey. In an emergency, they can even sub for a loo (choose the completely waterproof ones for this)!
    We bring tiny ones that seal tightly to keep a credit card/cash dry and they fit under the insole in our shoes. These small bags can also store daily pills securely, well marked for each person.
    Medium size ‘boil in the bag’ ones will do to cook scrambled eggs or heat stuff like soup or stew, all in one pot of boiling water which doesn’t need cleaning but does leave you plenty of hot water for washing yourself afterwards. These stronger bags can also be pre-packed with breakfast cereal to individual tastes and used instead of bowls – sounds strange, but works.

  15. Black sacks they have so many uses, wet gear, useful for camping rubbish, if it rains you can put your sleeping bag in them so it doesnt get wet

  16. Hi thanx for the comp, I haven’t been camping in years, I remember my dad would get myself and my sisters go and collect pin cones which was fun like a game to keep us going while he set up de tent. they were used wen he started our camp fire, a small one in de evening in a small steal bin with papers and pine cones, or sometimes put in between a circle of rocks. Only thing really needed was a lighter/ matches.. We always went early as its easier to pitch the tent in daylight, less stress. Bring a lot of dry foods it’s easier to prepare. Don’t forget the torch for evening especially if u want to go to de toilet, walk etc, make sure u have a change of batteries, or to make it easier invest in a solar powered torch.. Oh before u go make a camp checklist of everything needed, simple things like first aid kit if u have kids, knocks and bumps can happen, plus check everything is in working order there’s nothing worse in getting to ur campsite and you find something is broken etc.. Expect de unexpected, don’t get upset if u don’t stick to ur routine, enjoy and have fun.

  17. Try to arrive early at music festivals so that you’ll get there before the rush arrives.
    You need good fitting wellies, I got cheap ones for Electric Picnic and they ended up pinching my feet and legs
    It’s a good idea to pitch your tent AWAY from the long ‘toilets’ at music festivals, the smell isn’t too fragnant
    Wet wipes are a good way of refreshing yourself between showers
    Don’t forget the loo paper!

  18. When camping, it is important to remember that you are out in natural surroundings and it is very important to always remove any rubbish that you accumulate during your camping trip. This way, the area will remain clean and green and can be enjoyed for many years by many happy campers!

  19. While Camping at a concert one year, my girlfriend and myself set up camp fairly quickly, The weather was horrible to say the least, after a long drive there we where starving so we went to the local village to muster up some food and then went straight to the concert. Late that night when we got back to the tent after being drenched and muck up to our eyeballs, we where so tired and just wanted to sleep, hmmm when we set the tent up it was getting dark, when we got back to the tent it was very dark. What we didnt realise was we setup up out tent on a slight slope with the door facing up the slope and the back of the tent on a flat surface. With all the bad weather that day the rain had washed down the slope and into the tent through the door, not only that but the back of the tent was flat and in a hugh puddle too capturing all the water that fell from the skys, soaking everything we had brought. The moral of the story is? Dont set your tent up facing up a slope, make sure you check out your surrounding too, and dont leave you gear in your tent. Oh! By the way we still had a great time even though we where a bit cramped up in the car….which was stuck in the mud…hmmm.

  20. Always bring extra batteries and plastic bags. Batteries for head torches, lamps etc. Bags for rubbish, doesn’t matter if you’re camping inthe wilderness or at a festival you always end up with more rubbish than you’d expect!

  21. Wellie sticks so you can leave the mud outside the tent and when turned upside down they keep dry! Also i always bring a flask as its great to have hot water at hand for a night time cuppa when needed. Wind up torches which eliminates carrying batteries.

  22. always bring a bright flag to put near your tent, so that you’ll be able to find it easily if it’s in a ‘field of tents’. Also, bring lots of baby wipes. They are invaluable in all situations.

  23. The most important preparation is to definitely put up your new tent in the back garden before you go on site. There is nothing worse than struggling under the laughing eyes of experienced fellow campers.

    Pack a wide, deep frying pan, a large chopping board, dry ingredients for breakfast pancakes, plastic bags for marinating meat in, ready-mixed spices and salad dressing.

    Partially prepare the first night’s meal before you leave. Bring potato salad and marinated chicken skewers. Light the barbecue while you’re setting up the tent.

    Last year while I found out while camping that a bucket-like barbeque is unbeliavably handy. Camp site rules usually allow them and are ideal for marshmallow toasting. Suited to romantic gestures with your other half or sitting embracing the countryside with your kids.

  24. A roll mat is small and light but makes a world of difference to your nights sleep. Also, you can never have too many plastic bags or spare tent pegs!

  25. Always prepare your gear well before hand, check everything is in order, tent sleeping bags etc. Anything that needs batteries has fully charged ones. We use the all in one ready beds, and if you do remember to take the pump for blowing them up. We use a battery operated one, and have on at least one occasion forgotten to make sure the batteries were charged enough to pump it up. For the tent, I always use the pegs for hard ground, you wouldn’t believe the amount of pegs that I went through before I got them, and keep the mallet in the same bag so it won’t get left behind. I also take one of those plastic dehumidifier boxes, and keep it in the tent if I ‘m going for more than a couple of days, you be suprised at just how much moisture they collect, helps keep your bed and clothes from feeling damp if the weathers not so hot.

  26. When arriving at the campsite, try and get parking as close as is practicable to the place where you intend to pitch your tent. There’s nothing worse than having to drag tents, camping chairs, luggage e.t.c.. to and from the car a long distance. One of the items that always seems to go missing are the metal pegs for holding down the tent. It’s a good idea to bring anything like a knitting needle for example that can be substituted for a peg, just bend it and stick it into the ground. Probably the most important item to bring, no, in fact, the most important item to bring, are wet wipes. Showers are expensive at camping festivals so wet wipes are invaluable!

  27. 1. Always bring a ground sheet – it’s easy to forget, but essential if you want to wake up dry!

    2. Baby wipes are your best friend

    3. Pitch your tent as close to the loo as possible on a serviced site … nothing is worse than a long trek to the loo in the dark or first thing in the morning

  28. set up tour tent in a shady place you don’t want to wake up melting. take torch ,black bin bags ,first aid kit, big bottle of water, baby wipes, suncream, wellies ,rain gear, we also take a folding picnic table and the brolly off our garden table and solar lights , beach shelter for kids to play in and beach wind breaker . we also take portable dvd player you can charge with cigarette lighter in car and pump for blow up beds. extra sleeping bags and blankets weather can change so fast . ground sheet for tent entrance flask to keep boil water hot. enjoy your camping trip.

  29. 1. Always bring a small waterproof bag with a complete spare change of clothes. These clothes should preferably be warm cosy clothes. This is so that if everything gets soaked you have a backup. 2. Always have a small light in easy reaching distance when sleeping in a tent. This is so that if you need to go out of the tent in the middle of the night for some reason you don’t have to be faffing around. 3. Make sure you arrive at your camping location before dark as it will be much easier to get set up. Also spend a decent amount of time finding the right pitch as this will determine how well you sleep for the x days you camp in that place. 4. Finally have fun whilst camping. It is an activity where you can feel free from the stresses of the modern world and to relax within nature itself.

  30. Bring a flask with you filled with ice. You’ll have ice all weekend to cool down your drinks (or deal with any sprains)!

  31. The most important thing when you go camping it’s to be organized since the beginning. It is pointless to bring food or other stuff, and then maybe forgetting essential things like a torch! So make a checklist before going. Don’t forget an emergency kit, there is always somebody getting a cut or a bruise or a small burn with the fire. Scissors, an hammer and all these little tools are a must and cloths or towels are never enough. Choose well your camping site, never too close to trees or water. If you are in a festival, set up an area in front of your tent where you can sit down or eat, the neighbours always take over!Carry always water and suncream and bring a charger that you can attach to your car for phones and electrical stuff you might need. Teenager now cannot live without theri phones!

  32. Create a list of things that you need to bring when camping. Add and modify the list each time you go. That way you ensure that you don’t forget anything.

    Also, create a list of things that you have to do before you go – Close all windows, switch off heating, water plants, etc. That way you ensure that you have don’t wake up in the middle of he night thinking; “Did I switch off the gas cooker?”

  33. Always put your tent up BEFORE you have a drink and bring baby wipes..come in very handy for a freshen up. xx

  34. the best tip for camping is prepare for every situation when ever i go camping i pack my thermal clothes short suncream board games football rain gear i pack for the good bad and indifferent weather its a lot of stuff but ive become a master of packing everything tight my trick is to roll my clothes up and use hair ties to keep them in place so even if its raining cats and dogs which it normal is in ireland im prepared for every secenaro

  35. Tin foil and bubble wrap are great for insulating your sleeping bag from ground damp. Just place under sleeping bag and have a great night!

  36. Be sure to put up your tent in the garden before you go as a dry run to ensure that you have all the necessary pieces to put up the tent and it is not damaged

  37. Be prepared… it’s an oldie but a goodie.

    Make a list of everything you will need and make sure you pack it all. Research where you’ll be camping, and make sure you have all the necessary permits and equipment – & that you are familiar with the area. Baby wipes, food, water, correct clothing and hand sanitiser are a must. And most importantly be considerate of your environment; make sure you bring your rubbish and mess with you when you leave, making it a nice place for the next person to camp too.

  38. Leave no trace, meaning pick up after yourself to leave the ecosystem undisturbed. Clean up thoroughly after meals and secure your food high above the ground.

  39. Wen cooking keep to one pot dishes like bolognese, chilli con carne, etc. or fry sausages, chicken, burgersit makes things much simpler and its better theres less washing up LOL πŸ˜‰

  40. 1.. Have your phone charged and a spare charged battery with you…
    2.. Bring both tent & cover(only brought the cover once and got soaked with an unplanned rain shower)
    3.. Bring plenty food thats quick & easy to prepare.. ie pasta, tuna, etc
    4.. Plan all entertainment ahead, if necessary bring words of songs printed out so no silent moment when no one can remember the words of songs
    5.. Make a list of what you’re bringing and what you need and check and double check

    And more importantly positive attitude!!!! Have loads of fun x x

  41. I Love camping all the time
    But not been prepared its a crime!
    Wind up torches put it on the list
    Just in case you need to stumble home pissed!
    Put a flag on top of your tent
    As you never know where you will end up been sent
    Ear plugs will be your best friend
    Especially when your wifes snoring will ever end!
    You need to be ready for anything
    So make sure you have remembered everything

    Wind up torches are

  42. 1. use variety pack cereals then you don’t need bowls as plastic can hold milk
    2. cook and freeze a nice pasta chicken dish in advance for a non-eating out meal
    3. freeze 2L milk in advance and then it won’t take up space in your cooler box
    4. keep toothbrushes in easy to find location for when you mis-place head torch

  43. Never go camping without a radio, preferably a wind up one. Start saving your pennies as young as possible for a campervan. That way by the time you’re in your 50’s you’ll have a bit of comfort. It may be old and not cost a fortune, mine is tiny, I bought it last year and am rediscovering my ‘inner camper’. freeze small bottles of water to put in a coolbag, they keep food and drinks cool and as they melt they provide water on the go. A flask is essential, any extra boiled water left in the kettle then provides a cuppa on demand and is handy to fill the trusty hot water bottle. Be happy Enjoy and record the adventures for the winters ahead.

  44. Extra plastic bags are a must, and instead of packing them separately, stow your extra shoes, underwear and socks in them, this ensures you have dry unmentionables (and footwear) when you need them; and can stow the wet ones away if there’s nowhere to hang them. I ALWAYS bring a dustpan-brush (small and easy to hang off your backpack) for cleaning out the tent on long camping trips. Clothes pegs are also a must, for clipping open food packets (rice, pasta etc), hanging out the clothes (on your guy ropes).
    Before I pack my rucksack, I line it with a large refuse sack and tie it at the top in case it lashes rain and starts to soak through to my clothes; this can then be used for sitting on, as a mac (just put small holes in the bottom corners for your arms to squeeze through), if you’ve a leak in the top of the tent, and even as a rubbish bag for when you’re clearing up to leave.

  45. Hi, when pitching the tent stay a good bit away from the public toilets on site especially if you have kids, otherwise you could be disturbed if people use the facilities during the night (and early morning) l also find the little “glow in the dark stars” you can purchase in any Euro shop great. If you go out at night attach a few to the top of tent and you will find your tent immedialtely when you return.

  46. When you buy a new tent you should erect it in the garden and spray with a hose to check for leakages. We use tent pegs with little led lights on the four corners of the tent so you can find it at night and it helps other people in the campsite avoid falling over your guy lines and damaging your tent. Dont forget your earplugs!!

  47. Baby wipes for everything
    A wind up touch u can buy these in Iked and they are only €6 and amazing
    Loads of extra bags for cleaning up your rubbish and bring a cooler bag too for food, bring some pegs they are so handy for closing up food bags
    Being a flask for hot and cold drinks.
    A portable DVD player is a must
    dry shampoo and silky mitts for ur legs to get rid of the stubble πŸ™‚
    Suncream loads of Suncream
    Bring mini things what I tend to do is buy travel pack bottles and fill them with washing up liquid, sugar, olive oil, salt etc dead handy takes up hardly any space.

  48. β€’A utility knife and length of ropeβ€’A tight-closing cooler to store your food items in and β€’Hand sanitizer and soap

  49. When I was camping abroad I always keep a swiss army knife under my pillow, then if someone tried to enter my tent at night I just had to use the knife to cut a slice down the back of the tent and climb free… advice I ever got when camping.

  50. Camping Tip 1
    A hot rock placed in your sleeping bag will keep your feet warm. A hot enchilada works almost as well, but the cheese sticks between your toes.

    Camping Tip 2
    Get even with a bear who raided your food bag by kicking his favorite stump apart and eating all the ants.

    Camping Tip 3
    In emergency situations, you can survive in the wilderness by shooting small game with a slingshot made from the elastic waistband of your underwear.

    Camping Tip 4
    Take this simple test to see if you qualify for solo camping. Shine a flashlight into one ear. If the beam shines out the other ear, do not go into the woods alone.

    Camping Tip 5
    The best backpacks are named for national parks or mountain ranges. Steer clear of those named for landfills.

    Camping Tip 6
    When camping, always wear a long-sleeved shirt. It gives you something to wipe your nose on.

  51. Tinfoil- A campers best friend. It can not only be used to cook just about anything in and over a camp-fire but it can be folded and shaped into plates, bowls, spoons even mugs. Secure outside with duct tape for extra strength.

    Extra illumination- Place a head torch/torch at the back of your water container to create a ambiance lamp

    Sheepskins- A great warm mattress or seat around the fire

    Tiger Balm- The midges worst enemy, place on your pulse points behind the ears and under your armpits and on your wrists to keep all flying insects at bay.

    Incense- This will keep flying insects from the area of your camp-site if placed around the boundaries

    Jars with tealights- This keep will your campsite lit even in the wind

  52. During a bout of wet weather ensure there’s a big sheltered area to
    play under. Tents are great for sleeping but too confined for all day
    use. Big plastic tarps are cheap and light and always worth having along.

    Bring multiple sizes of plastic zip-top bags to help store stuff! You can use smaller sandwich size ones to keep stuff like phones, maps etc. from getting wet or use bigger bags for clothes.

    Bring some first aid essentials, like plasters and antiseptic wipes/cream, because you’re bound to trip over a tent rope at some stage.

    Bring a torch, for navigating the campsite late at night and don’t forget batteries for your torch.

    Bring a distinctive flag to tie from the top of your tent, for identification purposes. They all look pretty similar when it’s pitch-dark.

    Layers are your best friend!

    Bring your wellies, even if the weather forecast predicts sunshine all weekend.

    Test run putting your new tent up before you go as putting it up in the dark won’t be much fun, if it’s the first time.

    Arrive early for the best choice of pitches

    A sense of humor and an open mind!

  53. When camping, dont leave home without:

    Disposable bbq.
    Citronella candle / mozzie coil.
    Plastic bags / bin bags.
    Lock for tent.
    Toilet paper.


  55. Make a list of all camping equipment,food,and essentials you will need and check it before you leave home for a happy relaxing break

  56. Checklist:
    Extra socks, shoes & wellies (Irish weather)
    Suncream (Irish weather)
    First Aid kit (Most important)
    Mini BBQ
    Sleeping bags
    Plenty water
    Good company πŸ™‚

  57. Keep an eye on weather forecast for days you intend to go camping, dont forget loo roll and can opener, practice putting up tent before you head off and make sure you have all the bits.

  58. never light fire in windy weather ,when lighting fire dig hole set fire in hole sournd the hole with rocks n light away

  59. Preplan early and well and note the five day weather forecast and long term forcast where necessary. Know the duration so as to determine the amount of food required. If planning to do activities while there such as hiking ensure that you have needed for this such as compass, mobile phone, water bottle.

  60. As we all know camping was invented by Henry the tenth and the whole Experience is intense πŸ™‚ that’s why you fail to prepare prepare to fail.

    Make sure you bring all your necessaties and some goodies too but make sure you clean up after yourself. Bring your good friends as any annoyance whilst camping can be a disaster πŸ™‚ enjoy yourself..

  61. bring as little as possible, but always bring the important things, mini fire extinguisher is a must, first aid box, suitable clothing and lots of drink and food πŸ™‚

  62. Always check the weather before setting off, but be prepared for all weather! Make sure you have a plan B if things don’t go as planned πŸ™‚ But most of all, enjoy yourself πŸ˜€

  63. . just make sure that you set up camp somewhere safe with water near by plus make sure your phone is well charged in case of a emergency . and before you put up your tent . make sure the ground is flat and no rocks under you so you can have a good nights sleep

  64. I’m more of an indoor / in-vehicle camper. I don’t own a camper van just a normal work van. I always keep the following in my van:
    – mummy sleeping bag
    – fleece blankets
    – pillow
    – mattress (from a camp bed or similar which can be stored on the ceiling with bungee ropes)
    – dressing gown (a girl needs her comforts)
    – toilet roll
    – toiletries
    – swimsuit
    – towels
    – multiple coats & jumpers
    – multiple pairs of shoes (for a variety of situations that you might find yourself in)
    – double blow up bed (just in case you need extra comfort… or might have a ‘friend’ to visit!)
    – sturdy foot pump (for the bed but also for the tyres)
    – drapes / bed sheets to cover the windows
    – clean underwear & a change of clothes
    – anti-freeze / spray can (a single girl sleeping alone in her van always needs her protection devices!!)

    Having a van gives you the best of both worlds. It means you can carry all these camping (albeit in-van) necessities so you can pull up and sleep (minimises risks on the road) or head off for a weekend at a moment’s notice and yet you still get the feeling of camping out.

    I love my van sleeps and weekends (and weeks) anyway

  65. 1. Put a fabric softener sheet in your pocket to keep the mosquitos away.
    2. wrap your water bottle with duct tape. you never know when you’ll need some duct tape to make a repair to your camping equipment.
    3. Put a couple of plastic trash bags in your backpack for emergency raingear.
    4. Put on sunscreen even on overcast days.
    5. Buy a little fire starter kit. Matches and lighters don’t always work.

  66. Solar lights are ideal inside and outside! Face-wipes will substitute for bum-wipes! Plastic bags to store wet and soiled clothes in. Don’t forget the bottle opener! Talc is great to dry damp feet!

  67. practice before you go, to remind you how to do it, and to make sure you have all the pegs… Pack spare pegs, babywipes and duct tape.

  68. Be prepared especially with kids, keep things dry. double check all your stuff before you leave and then when tents up and the bbq is started relax and enjoy the outdoors!!

  69. Be the person who does the washing up, you’ll be forgiven a lot if you’re that person.If you’ll do it while the others are having a beer you’ll be forgiven anything, just bring your one with you in a mug. NB Some sites may frown on actual drunkenness in the Campers Kitchen but smiley happiness just makes you fit in !

  70. 1. Always plan for wet weather! Rain proofs and wellies are essential!
    2. Food} Keep it simple and don’t forget the can opener. Zip lock bags are your best friend for keeping snacks to refuel your energy stocks.
    3. Arrive at the campsite with plenty of daylight hours to set up your tent. Ensure that you get the distance to the toilet block right -not too close and not too far.
    4. When it comes to going home time, wrap your wet soap in tin foil and it won’t rub off on your other items.

  71. Thank you all for your input and this has been one of the most popular competitions we have won to date.
    If you havn’t won but would really like something from our range today is the last day you can use the code August10 online for a 10% discount alternatively call us on 01 8428187
    The Ladies usually dominate the prizes in our competitions but strangely enough the judge has gone with three men on this occasion.
    1st Prize Eoin Burke
    2nd Prize Dan
    3rd Prize Liam Murphy
    Emails going off to the winners now! Another competition coming soon.

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