Black Friday 2020 supporting Pieta House
This year its different….
Social distancing, PPE, wet pubs, super spreader, lockdown….
Just some of the terms we never used prior to 2020 but have all of a sudden become part of our everyday language.
This year is different…..
It has tested the mental strength of us all.

The virus that is Black Friday is upon us again.
Some retailers engage in offering (up to 70% Off).
In truth there is probably 50 other days in the year that you will pay the very same price…
Black Friday used to be one day, then a weekend, now for a whole month and next year it starts on July 4th apparently.
Its hype…
We like to think we offer good value for money 24/7/365.
On Black Friday we usually send newsletters with items “up to 50% off”
In true many of these items are gathering dust on the shelf as they didn’t sell as well as expected.
This year is different….
Through its 19 centres across Ireland Pieta House offer a free counselling service to those with severe mental illness.
Between March when the pandemic first stroke and now they answered over 18,000 calls relating to suicide, self-harm and suicide bereavement.
They are helping to keep people alive at perhaps the most difficult time in our history.
We want to support them and what they do and you can play your part because…
This year is different….
This year we are going to donate 10% of the money you spend with us to our local Kerry branch of Pieta House.
Not only what you spend on Black Friday but also Saturday Nov 28th, Sunday Nov 29th and Cyber Monday (Nov 30th)
This year is different….
Feel good not because you got a Black Friday bargain but because you paid a fair price for something whilst supporting a great cause.
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Find out more about the Pieta Know the signs campaign