Ralphs Christmas Dogs Trust Appeal
As we approach another Christmas our Head of Security Ralph is a bit annoyed this year as our friends at Dogs Trust Ireland have been finding it a little tough of late.
It seems that lots of people decided to add a furry friend to their family home during lockdown but as restrictions lifted and we got back to a relatively normal life many of these people realised they were not in a position to give the latest member of the family the love and attention that they need.

According to Ciara Byrne, Head of Communications at Dogs Trust Ireland “Sadly we have received 2,155 requests this year from members of the public asking us to take in their dogs in for rehoming. This figure represents an 82% increase on 2020 when dogs were in huge demand“.
This coupled with the excellent BBC spotlight programme which exposed Ireland as arguably the kings of illegal puppy farms in Europe is an embarrassing position for our country to find itself in.
All this is undoubtedly putting the resources of Dogs Trust Ireland under serious pressure so (after a bit of pleading from Ralph) we have decided to make Dogs Trust Ireland our designated Christmas Charity again this year.
Order anything from Purchase.ie between now and the end of January and we will donate 5% of what you spend to Dogs Trust Ireland.
Alternatively click here if you would prefer to make a direct donation to Dogs Trust Ireland
Since its foundation back in 2009 Purchase.ie has made annual donations to worthy charities. These have included the Capuchin Day Centre, Pieta House, Arlington Lodge Homeless Shelter and Adapt Kerry Women’s Refuge Centre.