Trolley Bag Cool Bag
The Trolley Bags Cool Bags are designed to fit perfectly into the hugely popular Trolley Bags shopping bags (available here) and can even double up as a great picnic bag for days out also.
Available in two size to go with with the Trolley Bag set for deep trolleys or for the smaller Express Trolley Bag set they rolls up into a neat package for you to take into the supermarket with your Trolley Bags.
Once you’ve open your Trolley Bags at the checkout, place your cool bag into your existing Trolley Bags bag.
You now have an insulated bag you can fill with all your cold items.
Once full, the bag can be zipped up and removed from the trolley along with the other bags.
After use, the Trolley Bags Cool can be easily folded back up, ready for your next shopping trip.