Expert Hardware Display Our Products on RTE Today Show
Alan Grant of Expert Hardware will be busy showing off some of the product

range during the month of February on the Today Show on RTE One.
The Today Show airs on RTE One every Monday to Friday between 4.30 and 5.40pm and is anchored by Daithi O Se and Maura Derrane.
On Wednesday’s Alan Grant of Expert Hardware provides viewers of the show with some useful household tips and some of the range will feature on the show on Wednesday Feb 6th and Wednesday Feb 20th.
On Feb 6th as part of a feature on Home Security Alan will show viewers how to secure your oil against theft with the Irish designed Tanklok.
The show on Feb 20th will include a special feature on energy saving products. With

energy rates increasing all the time this is sure to be a popular piece for viewers of the Show.
In all three products will feature including the Radiator Booster which blows the heat generated by radiators into the centre of the room ensuring the room will heat up faster.
The Owl Energy Monitor which can tell you in real time how much you are spending in cents on your energy bill will also feature on the February 20th Show as well as the Eco Kettle which can help you save a huge amount of money on your energy bill by boiling only the amount of water you need there and then instead of boiling all the water in the Kettle.

Expert Hardware now have 45 independently owned stores nationwide. supply these stores with a wide range of energy saving products.
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