Energy Saving Winners
We had an excellent response to our energy saving tips competition which finished up at the end of October. In all 74 people entered and it is well worth a read through for anyone looking to save on their energy bill.
Before we go on to the winners lets get to those that were very close.
Mary-Anne seems to be a clever night-owl and offered us the following advice
“……………Get the cheaper night electricity on your bill and Charge reusable batteries and kids scooters, toothbrushes etc overnight, put your washing machine and dishwasher on in these hours and save……………..”
The lyrical Lorraine suggests some sleepless nights with a nice little poem
“……….A wink to the hubbie it’s time for a early night
now my power bill is not such a fright!
Electric blanket has been banished
higher costs have now vanished
Hot water bottle in the bed
and he’ll soon be snoring off his head!…………..”
But then there is the winners.
In third place and the winner of a set of Dry Cubes is
Caroline who amongst other things suggested that we
“………….Do some free activities outside the house when you can so you’re not sitting at home feeling cold…………”
Martin Cowman takes second and wins a Moonlight Nightlight after he and his family have
“………… turned down the thermostat by 2 degrees and in the rooms we not using turn the radiators down so they keep the rooms just warm, only wash on full loads and reduce the washing temperature by a couple of degrees, we have installed energy saving light bulbs all over the house……”
And Clare Ni Fhearghail is the overall winner and gets a Plugin Energy Monitor because she is
“…………. going to investigate getting a solar panel to heat my water. I am also going to investigate getting Infrared Heating Panels. These look like they would suit me very well.
The best thing am going to do is start a materials bank, where I will get a community materials bank going – people and businesses can dispose of unwanted items like fabric, paint, piping, plastic bottles and the list goes on and on and on, and these items can be reused by others who just want a small bit of fabric, a little or a lot of paint, a short piece of pipe etc for much less than if they bought new. I am so excited about this project, which I am doing through Borrisokane Local Switch…..”
Fair play to Clare the local switch seems like an excellent initiative.
And so there comes and goes another competition but keep in touch with future competitions by subcribing to our monthly newsletter, liking our facebook page or following us on twitter.
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