Fan of the Month
We are giving away three prizes
1: €100 Shopping Voucher
2: €50 Shopping Voucher
3: €25 Shopping Voucher
All you got to do to win one of these great prizes is to make the podium as a fan of the month.
The best thing about this competition is there really are no rules. We simply want you to do something innovative to help promote
Of course it would be wise to do the basics such as
1: Sign up to our newsletter and get others to do so
2: Like our facebook page, follow us on twitter and linked-in and subscribe to our youtube channel. Get others to do so also of course!
3: Post product reviews on the relevant pages of our website.
4: Spread the word about the August Catch 22 Promotion.
5: Post regular comments here on things you have done to promote
So get started and help promote the We love people that think outside the box!
We will announce the winners here on Sept 1st
cool idea, much better than a likes comp any day
Thanks again for your feedback Roisin. Hope you are doing your bit!
Just to let you know, I decided yesterday to randomly tell friends about your site, in an attempt to promote it. Still have my thinking cap on for a better, original idea.
Signed up, Liked, Following on Twitter & LinkedIn & Subscribed on YouTube!
Will share and spread the word…
great prize will share
have shared on facebook ..tis website is= great ..keep up the good wk ..
Thank you to Rosin, Claire, Niamh and Hazel. Keep up the good work and let us know what your doing here.
Good luck with the business some great products x
Signed up to the newsletter and am following on Twitter and Facebook
Well done guys great website
I’ve done all above and I’ve shared on facebook for you.. Some great ideas on this site.
got you on facebook and twitter. sharing is caring
now joined u on twitter as well as pluggin u on facebook
Thank you Sean, Shauna, Rhoda and Robert!
Already like you on Facebook – shared the August Catch 22 promo
woo hoo, another great comp
fab competition. Have signed up to newsletter, following you on twitter , liked your FB page & shared with all my friends..
keep up the good love the variety of products..
(couldnt resist sorry
I have been singing your praises since i saw some of your products at the Christmas Market in town – your products are ace and anything we can do to save the environment is fantastic!
Thanks again for all the kind comments everyone. Keep the word on the street or in social media land at least. Love the pun Yvonne. Great to see a sense of humour early on a Monday morning! Thanks MK the 3 weeks in the snow at Fitzwilliam Sq was tough going but hopefully we will be back for more punishment at the end of the year.
Just off to share it now, great site
great website, loads of fantasic things to buy. Have signed up and am spreading the word about your cool site.
Facebook page”Liked”following on Twitter,following on Linkedin,subscribed for news letter and you tube channel.
I have signed up for your newsletter, Facebook under Emma ZsaZsa, YouTube under emmabo25, Twitter under emmabo26 and I have retweeted and shared on FB.
I have written a review of the Trolley Dolly, my absolute favourite product on your site!
I have tagged you again on FB (Emma ZsaZsa)
Thanks Louise, Clinton, Michelle and last but certainly not least Emma!
I have posted a new use I found for my mother’s Loofen food dehydrator on your FB page
I have shared your Trolley Dolly promotion on Facebook.
I just got my mother Breda to order a Trolley Dolly, she has always been raving about my one. Will keep spreading the word
I have posted about the Trolley Dolly offer on Rollercoaster’s bargains and special offers thread.
Wow Emma,
Thanks so much!! Off course the Catch 22 promotion is also probably worth a mention in such forums also (hint, hint LOL) Would people be of the opinion that we got a clear favourite with 2 weeks to go? Keep posting updates folks and looking out for innovative ways to catch up with those in prime position! Plenty of time left!
Have sent another fan your way this evening and will keep sharing
Hi I posted shared your competition to facebook page. hope you got a few likes from it, and sales.
I have a bit of work for you
What is your best seller?
If you could pick your best product what would it be and why? Personal choice I know, but if its a great product it won’t matter.
Will you post this to facebook and put a share button on it and we can promote it.
I got a better idea Bernadette. Why doesn’t everyone post what their favourite product is and a reason why. The best answers will form a big part in the fan of the month competition. I will post something to this effect on facebook. When making your selection please link the page.
For example I love the Loofen because my brown bins used to stink but they don’t anymore! – amazing piece of kit. Bought one of these before and it’s amazing – greatfor the environment conscious gardener.
My favourite product on is the Trolley Dolly It is such a great invention, so simple, but it just makes the shopping experience that much easier. The bags are so hardy and can carry a huge amount. It comes with great extras like a trolley coin, a place for a shopping list and a large zipped pocket for your wallet. I leave my handbag at home now when I’m doing the weekly shop. The Trolley Dolly has room for everything I need!!
I have shared the Eco button offer on facebook. I think this will definitely be my next purchase because our pc is on 24/7!
Shared on facebook…twitter and teh others are a bit too newfangled for me!!
I have featured my favourite product, the Sun Jar, on my website here:
and in the associated facebook page here:
Thank you all for taking an interest in the fan of the month competition for August.
Winners have been notified by emails and to confirm who they are.
1st Emma Zajac
2nd Aedin
3rd Niamh Barron
Details of the next competition will be announced in the coming days. In the meantime get shopping and start saving at
Thanks so much Colm!!