Win Family Break in Cloughjordan

Win A 2 Night Family Break in Cloughjordan EcoVillageDjango's-Hostel

To celebrate Father’s Day 2013 have team up with Django’s Hostel  in Cloughjordan, Co Tipperary to offer you the chance to win a two night stay in Ireland’s only true eco-village.

Django’s Eco Hostel is a certified member of Green Hospitality Programme and is based within the Ecovillage in Cloughjordan surrounded by 50 acres of beautiful land dedicated to woodland and active food production.

Sick of the city life Django’s was set up by Pa Finucane a dedicated environmentalist with Django's-Family-Roommany years experience in the hospitality business. Pa was enthralled upon doing a site visit to Cloughjordan and wanted to something really constructive. According to Pa “I didn’t just want to build a house here.  There were lots of plans for events and courses here, but if we wanted to encourage lots of visitors, they were going to need a place to stay!

So Django’s was born and there are many great local attractions to visit on the doorstep of this green orientated facility.

As well as accommodation, Django’s can offer rooms and facilities for meetings, conferences, exhibitions, courses and small-scale events.

On arrival for your stay you are likely to be greeted on the front porch by a warm tail wag Djangoby the true boss of the hostel Django himself.

The prize is a two night stay in one of the Family Rooms at the facility (2 Adults and 2 Children) and the date you can take the prize is subject to availability.

For your chance to win please visit our Father’s Day Gift Idea Tips for 2013 page and use the comment field on this page here to tell us which product you feel makes for the best Father’s Gift Idea and why you think so.

For booking enquiries at Django’s visit the website or call Pa on Django's-kitchen087 256 9348.

If we get over 100 entries we will add two bonus runners-up prizes from the product range.

The closing date for entry is midnight on Thursday June 13th 2013 and we will announce the winner of this great prize on Friday June 14th 2013.

So get your entries in as you would be barking mad to miss out!

Get Discount Code to Save On Father’s Day Gifts

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  1. How fab x x Would love a break away x x I think the Chimney-Balloon is the best Fathers Day git Ever cos all the heat goes out my chimney and this would be fab for my dad who’s always complaining about it!

  2. The Constant Gardener Dad
    My dad has recently retired and now has the time to spend in his beloved garden and one of the items on his wish list is the water butt.

  3. I have found exactly what my Father needs on your website :). This is the Address Number Lighting System( and it is the one to choose :).
    My Father lives in a terraced house where his home number is number “1” and the house next door’s number is number “1A”. There has always been a lot of confusion between both the houses when it comes to postmen delivering letters and parcels to the right address. It has also not been unheard of for my Father to have missed important visitors to his home who later informed him that they had been knocking on the door of the wrong house and presumed that nobody was home. Up until now we have not found a suitable solution that is effective both day and night to clearly highlight my Father’s correct address. So now with the aid of’s Address Number Lighting System my Father will never miss an important visitor, letter or parcel again. There is now literally a “Light” at the end of his tunnel :).

  4. As my dad is quite green fingered he already has a make shift water butt which he uses to collect rain water my mam even washes her hair with the collected rain water she swears by it for shiny hair, so the Solar Powered Water Butt Pump looks the job to make him the eco warrior he has always aspired to be

  5. My Dad is paranoid about the contents of the bin blowing all over the place so the bin strap is perfect for him. Like every man, he’s obsessed with getting the garbage out on time so he puts it out the night before and after a windy night, he frequently has to go out and pick up the rubbish which has blown all over the street. He’s always afraid this will attract mice or worse and so i listen to his complaints non stop. I don’t know why he never thought of a binstrap but if i got this for him, i know he’d be a happy man 🙂

  6. well being on the inside track with regard to fathers day and being the proud dad of a baby girl well toddler at this stage,The perfect gift for a dad on fathers day would be a fishing rod and a ready made picnic basket filled lovingly with enough food to sustain a man when he setles into his favourite part of the river bank and skilfully tries to bag a trout or salmon and listening to the birds sing and watch the trout rise in a pool close by and after 2 hours of fishing catching a salmon on a trout fly..After carefully landing the trout he tucks into his picnic basket and down at the bottom finds a Happy fathers day card signed by his wife and a choclate fingerprint of his daughter also imprinted onto it.Heaven…He then finishes his picnic by opening a cool can of beer and then he makes his way home ….Any luck the wife exclaims and he says yes i could not be luckier in having a charming wife and baby girl and yes i also caught a salmon he gleefully exclaims..


  7. Gotta be the drumsitck penciles, he thinks he’s a major musician, between the air guitar and the air piano, if i got him these he’d be in his element, he could start his own little band with the 4 kids, air guita, air piano, drumstick pencils and then one of the kids could play the spoons lol fab items

  8. I think he would love the ECO PANEL HEATER because it would keep him warm on cold evenings and it would be less expensive so it would save money for him. I also think it is great and I will be looking into purchasing one.

  9. Moisture Meter – He is obsessed with his lawn – always trying to have the best lawn in the neighboughood. With this device he should have a big advantage over the opposition as well as the perfect lawn.

  10. My Dad is a freelance journalist and as the job title suggests… is constantly on the move. He only has a basic mobile but he would be absolutely lost without it. However, every day he comes home he moans endlessly about the poor battery life of his WW2 phone. He even goeas as far as to say that he misses important scoops as he caught mid-call with that terrible low battery signal. Enter the most impressive invention I believe in the modern age. the Freeloader Pico, a compact and lightweight solar charger that will charge up your most vital electronic devices while you’re far away from an outlet. That’s right, you can freeload off the Sun. Just a cool item that anyone would want.

  11. My Dad Rick is a haulage driver across the world. His job can have him end up in the most random places. From Romania to Rhodesia or Budapest to Bangkok, he honestly has a scrap book yae high of pictures and stories of his globe trotting journeys. He’s even known as the Border Jumper by his friends Mick and Jerry in the local pub. My Mum and two younger sisters always worry as he is away weeks at a time with sometimes very little contact. The main worry is an unforseen accident, however, the Emergency Hammer and Seat Belt Cutter give him the first advantage in the event of an accident. It might not be needed but it is needed if you know what I mean.

  12. The Kelly Outdoor Kettle Kit is a great present for an outdoorsy dad, as it is low-tech and pretty much foolproof technology for the man who wants to get back to nature.

  13. Life Long Energy Saving Bulbs – he loves anything which saves him money and also he wont have to worry about changing bulbs for a long time..

  14. Water Saving Kit – If it does what it says, he’ll love it, especially with water charges in the near future.

  15. Great ideas on your site, but at the minute the plug in electricity monitor as we’re costantly trying to reduce our kw usage.

  16. I think the dad in our family would love the Ecocamel Aerated Hose Shower Head.
    Saving water will mean saving money once the water charges come in and he will love the removeable head plate will make it easer to clean off limescale.

  17. The Showertimer Plus is the ideal gift for Irish fathers, many of whose favourite sport is yelling up the stairs ‘What are you doing in that shower? Get out! And turn off the Immersion RIGHT NOW!’ Ha Ha! The good ol’ immersion!

  18. I know the wind up radio would suit fathers day pressie the best as he is always listening to the sport and he could take it everywhere and not worry about batteries or eletric

  19. oh the instant electric hot water tap,saw these at bloom and they are fantastic, in my opinion what every dad would love, gadget combined with money saving and no more cold shaves!!

  20. The fridge thermometer is definitely the best gift for the daddy in our home; not only can he ensure that the fridge is running efficiently, but his beers will always be chilled to optimal temperature!

  21. My dad is a huge fishing fan so I think the best pressie for him would be the fishing rod and the picnic basket would be great for me and my mum who have no interest in this fishing haha but have been dragged along on many a trip 🙂

  22. This Holday break would do my Dad good as he had a serious Car Accident last Novemember and was off work for months, he is still attending hospital and my Mum worrys that he is not telling us the truth with his injuries. I think this would do us all good as he might relax and my Mum could have a rest and take things easy for a change as the both work so hard. I love my Dad so much and thank God everyday he was not killed in the Accident so it would be a lovely Father’s Day surprise for him and our Family.

  23. Water Powered Shower Radio would go so well with the power shower we already have in our home! Our dad would absolutely love this radio and so would the rest of the family to rock out with! xx

  24. I think the solar powered water fountain is definitely the best fathers day gift for not only my husband, but also for all the fathers out there that love making their gardens a great place to chill out. And what a perfect way to chill out by listening to the calmness of water while relaxing with your children.

  25. Plug in Electricity Monitor – my father must be one of the most frugal people I know…but not a bad thing I suppose in the current climate ! 🙂

  26. I would choose the Water Powered Shower Radio cause it’s cool, innovative and I would love to try it myself 😀

  27. the growgrid would be perfect for our family as we have loads of vegs and fruits growing in the garden and this would be perfect to keep the weeds away and save us some time weeding!

  28. Instant Hot water tap! As a dad constantly at something engines, gardening, his shed, building always getting muckey this would be ideal and would so save on heating bills just to heat our water. He would love this. Hoping i win this break just what he needs

  29. The LED Bike Light kit – as he cycles at every opportunity and want to make sure he keeps safe 🙂

  30. The Radiator booster is the perfect solution to get the best heat from the Radiators,Would love and appreciate to win this prize, and to see all you have to offer. Dad would be overjoyed to say the least,he is a fanatic on everything and always thinking of how to save on energy.This prize is made for him. Brilliant Prize for a Very————-SPECIAL————-DAD

  31. Freeloader Pico – my husband would love this as his battery is constantly running low as he lets our two sons use his phone to down load games, he is a sharer but suffers as a result when he wants to use his phone no battery 🙂

  32. Owl Energy Monitor – My dad would love this! We live in near darkness as he is always turning off lights!

  33. I feel the best gift idea would be the Trento Solar Garden Spot Light, to highlight his garden feature which he built by hand. Its a beautiful rockery and pond combination

  34. Instant Electric Hot Water Tap – would be great so we don’t have to listen to him giving out about leaving on immersion and the prices of bill. we could have peace and quite at last 🙂

  35. Solar Alarm Clock
    A gift should feel like something you want and as time with your dad should be enjoyed this clock makes a lovely gift and in using solar power is a great green gift.

  36. The Choc Clock to save on heating bills would be a great one – I don’t know how many times we heard the phrase ‘turn off the immersion!’ when we were kids!

  37. The solar powered water fountain is just the ticket – sure what Irish garden is complete without a water feature!

  38. Instant Hot Water Tap – would be brillant to have hot/warm water during summer months when the heating is off, no need for immersion or boiling kettles of water.

  39. I think my Dad would love the solar powered Radio. He loves listening to sport and this would be the perfect present for him.

  40. Would have to be the Solar Weather Station, hubby loves to know the weather, time and date when waking up. And this is a great product and covers all these areas, would keep him very happy x

  41. This is right up Dad’s alley, saving the world one solar powered day at a time………bless him.

  42. the Chop Cloc so the family wouldnt have to listen to me moan about the cost of heating the house,and the cost of everything was cheaper when i was young stories

  43. Plugin Electricity Monitor. Great product and he could stop moaning about the Electricity bills 🙂

  44. Ah the eco-kettle. Perfect for the bah-humbugs of this world and a solution to their inner turmoil. A product that can bring them calm and coffee all in the one go. Like my dad, loves his coffee but not the real stuff, he can’t stand that, it’s the instant stuff is his poison. A nice hot cup of instant coffee or tea. Ah so he loves it but every time he puts on the kettle the little bah-humbug inside of him kicks in. Think of the cost, think of the energy wastage, why don’t you have cold instant coffee, wouldn’t that be better, why do you need it hot! And you can see the confusion etched on his face. Such a hassle to have two parts of your nature opposed to each other. Not anymore, power savings and hot coffee all thanks to eco-kettle!

  45. The best Father’s Gift Idea has to be,
    Any one item from
    Bin strap, shower timer, eco choices galore
    Great for your Dad’s battery is the Freeloader Pico
    Eco warrior’s on a budget look no more
    The Solar 12V Fold Up Battery Charger and camping is no longer a chore
    So Daddy’s go get green before Father’s day
    With’s discount code without further delay

  46. Shower Timer !!! With four daughters including three teenagers what a brilliant device. would save a fortunate in throat lozangers and stop a LOT of arguments. def be looking into buying one of these

  47. Definitely has to be the fantastic Garden Moisture Meter for my dad’s prized vegetable patch. His absolute pride and joy as all of the grandkids love nothing better than eating Grandad’s gorgeous homegrown vegetables and fruit 🙂

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