Magnetic Letterbox Draught Excluder



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Magnetic Internal / External Letterbox Draught Excluder

Using an innovative magnetic technology the Magflap is an easy fit, clean design, elegant, bristle free and durable letterbox draught excluder.

Unlike other draught excluders the Magflap has no wiry brushes or precarious springs which ensures that the postmans job is much easier.

The Magflap can be fitted internally or externally and comes in four colours black, brass, silver or white.

Very effective in preventing draughts from entering your home and heat from escaping the Magflap comes with a three year manufacturers guarantee, is completely rattle free and is durable against pet damage.


Sometimes when people only half insert leaflets or letters in your letterbox it can cause draughts to come through. With the mapflap draughts will still be sealed out when this happens.

Magflap Dimensions


Magflap Assembly Instructions

1:  Line up the top centre hole with the centre of the door aperture.

2: Ensure the bottom inside edge of the draught excluder is slightly below the opening in the door (to avoid post catching the edge).

3: Make hole with a bradawl through lower middle hole and screw in loosely through same hole.

4: Level up and fit remaining screws.



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