Get Your Business Found Through Search Engines with are delighted to announce the introduction of a green news section on the website from October 1st 2012.
The website was re-launched in July 2011 and was short-listed as a Green Awards Finalist earlier in 2012. Since the re-launch the site has attracted over 200,000 hits from over 50,000 visitors according to google analytics reports. Month on month traffic to the website continues to surge upwards.
This is an opportunity for your business to grow your online presence and rank highly in search engines for keyword terms relevant to your industry sector.
How the Green News section works
1: We interview a nominated person from your company and write an article about your business (about 450 words). This is posted in the news section of our website and featured the homepage of the site the day it is submitted. The article will include images and links back to your own website.
2: If you have a video about your business we can even feature this in the article. If you are in the process of getting one made we will add it to the article at a later date.
3: We optimise the article for strong Search Engine rankings relevant to your business sector.
4: The green news section of our website will be promoted through our monthly newsletter which goes out to over 6,500 people.
5: We post links to the article on our Facebook Page which has over 2,500 fans
6: We also post links to the article on Twitter, Linkedin, Stumbleupon, Digg, Pinterest and other social media streams.
See example of what a green news article will look like here
We add also add your business to our friends section of our website. This will include
– Company logo,
– A brief description of your business
– Link to your website
– Email address, telephone number and key contact names if required.
How much does it cost?
The normal 2012 submission price will be €300 plus VAT per annum. We will also write a fresh article about your business in 2013 when you renew.
To get the show on the road you can avail of a special introductory offer.
Sign up before October 31st and pay just €200 plus VAT.
Call 01 8428187 or email to find out how to avail of the discount or if you have any questions which are not answered above.